
Holiday letting tips

Holiday letting tipsAs a holiday home owner there’s so much to think about; from guest safety to website photography and Facebook posts to the internal fixtures and fittings. Or even who’s doing the changeovers and mowing the lawns before those guests roll up the driveway.

The good news is that we’re here to help. We talk with holiday homeowners and letting agents every day giving us an insight into many aspects of holiday letting. As a result we’ve put together some of our most useful articles containing holiday letting tips all in one place.

No matter if you’re looking for ideas on how to cut electricity bills or keep the visiting kids safe in the garden, here are some of our top holiday letting tips when it comes to getting the most out of your holiday home this year….

Keeping your guests safe – checks to make before the peak season

You’ll undoubtedly want your guests to have a great time in your cottage and that means that they’ll also need to have a safe time. There are a number of checks and processes you should have in place and these should always be done prior to the busy summer season.

Here are a few checks that you need to tick off the to-do list as a priority:

How to make your cottages dog friendly

There are nearly nine million dog owners in the UK and almost 40% of visitors now want to take their pet with them on holiday. If you’re looking to make the most of this continually growing market or want to fine-tune your cottage to welcome our furry friends then here are some great pointers…

Engaging with the growing green tourism market

It’s not just a welcoming cottage for our trusted canines that piques potential booking interest, as more and more of us are becoming driven by sourcing eco-friendly accommodation. A whopping 58% of English consumers surveyed by VisitEngland indicated they’d want to stay in green accommodation with awards or environmentally friendly practices. Here’s how to communicate your green credentials and a few ideas to grow them, too…

How to make your cottage a haven for families

If you’re welcoming young children into your cottage this year, you’ll need to answer all of the needs that your paying parents arrive with. Here are just a few ideas on how to make your cottage perfect for each family, no matter what the weather….

Keeping children safe on outdoor play equipment

If you’re welcoming children to your cottage then it’s certainly not uncommon to have an outdoor play area for them to enjoy. Ever wondered what you need to do in order to keep them as safe as possible whilst playing on your outdoor equipment? Here’s our guide on everything you should be doing in order to minimise the risks of an accident…

How to make a first impression

Your guests will only ever walk into your home for the first time once. It’s therefore vital you achieve that wow factor which will leave a positive lasting impression. Hampers are an easy and popular welcome gift for guests and, if used well, can start someone’s holiday off on the right foot. Here’s how to get the content right whilst also catering for those with allergies and those who like a tipple!

How to get your property photography right

A photo speaks a thousand words, so getting them right is definitely a priority! Here’s our guide to make sure your images are immaculate. Also included are some elements you might not have thought of until your photographer has made his way home!

Increase bookings by promoting your cottage as a destination

Visitors spend 80% of their time outside of your cottage, yet the average cottage website has 80% of its content focussed on what’s inside. Here’s how to promote your destination and experience in order to grab people’s attention and bookings…

Become more energy efficient

Energy bills across the UK risen considerably; by up to 10% this year and for some by more than 30% in the past 30 months. Being energy efficient is becoming increasingly important, not only to prove your eco credentials but also to keep costs down. Here’s a few ideas on how to do just that…

Electric vehicle charging points

The UK is going electric when it comes to cars and the growth continues to be exponential.  In 2012 there were just 2,254 electric cars sold in England. Fast forward to 2015 and that figure was hitting 30,000. Last year? Near 60,000 electric plugin cars were sold. If you want to welcome this growing trend of traveller then here’s all you need to know about your electric hook-up point….

Getting your insurance right

We’ve been working with holiday home owners for more than 30 years and we’re specialists in making sure that cottages across the UK have the insurance in place that they need. For more information on insuring your holiday home or cottage complex please give our experienced team a call on 01237 429 444.

Airbnb hidden cameras

Airbnb hidden camerasWhen it was founded in 2008, very few people could have envisaged how quickly and large Airbnb would grow. It is now home to 31 offices across the world. Airbnb has welcomed more than 400 million guests since its launch and has listings in a staggering 161 countries.

With growth can often come problems, the most recent is potentially one of the most worrying for would-be guests. That’s because there’s been an increasing number of reports of guests identifying and locating hidden cameras within Airbnb properties. While some of these have been hidden in common household appliances such as fire detectors; others have made their way into plant pots and television veneers.

Although such spy craft would be more commonly found in the pages of a James Bond novel, it does highlight a very real and significant problem for Airbnb and those using the platform to enjoy a break away; namely a very severe invasion of privacy.

So where does Airbnb stand on hidden cameras in their properties? And importantly where can UK holiday homeowners find guidance on the use of CCTV in UK holiday lets?

Airbnb’s stance on recording equipment and hidden cameras in properties

Airbnb indicates that it’s fine for a property owner to have cameras, or recording equipment and devices within the property. Stipulating as long as they’re highlighted to guests within the ‘House Rules’. Here’s their exact wording:

“If you’re a host and you have any type of surveillance device in or around a listing, even if it’s not turned on or hooked up, we require that you indicate its presence in your House Rules. We also require you to disclose if an active recording is taking place. If a host discloses the device after booking, Airbnb will allow the guest to cancel the reservation and receive a refund.”

So what’s the real issue?

The issue, as with many areas of Airbnb, is one of regulation and safeguarding. At the moment cases of hidden cameras and recording equipment are only being highlighted and brought to public attention by paying guests that are thorough enough and technically savvy enough to conduct a scan. They are not being identified by the platform itself. This issue then permeates into policing; if there are hundreds of thousands of transient and sometimes short term listings, how do you regulate and proactively police what’s inside the property without reliance on the paying guest?

The answer is that it’s incredibly difficult and, until that changes, the risks of hidden equipment within these properties may be a tricky problem to solve for one of the largest online property platforms in the world.

Please note it is illegal in the UK to use spy cameras in areas where subjects may have a reasonable expectation of privacy such as holiday homes.

  • VisitBritain have produced useful guidance on the use of CCTV by accommodation providers which can be found here.
  • For further information, download the Home Office Surveillance Camera Code Of Practice

Boshers offer specialist holiday home insurance to owners across the UK. Need an insurance quote for your holiday let? Give us a call on 01237 429444.

Septic tank

Owners of rural holiday cottages should be careful not to fall foul of new septic tank regulations

Septic tankWhen you think about a holiday home, emotive thoughts of stunning locations, long summer evenings and fun with family and friends are often some of the first things that spring to mind. An important, albeit less glamorous aspect of owning a rural home or holiday cottage is dealing with sewage. Not a problem if your property is connected to the main sewerage system, but what if it isn’t?

Does your cottage have a septic tank or a private sewage treatment plant?

As many holiday homes across the country are based in rural, coastal and countryside areas, it’s not uncommon for them to be served by a septic tank or private sewage treatment plant (STP). If your cottage has either of these then you’ll need to comply with The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016, which came into force on 1st January 2017 and need to be adhered to by 1st January 2020, or sooner if pollution is already occurring or you wish to sell the property this year.

So, for those that perhaps aren’t fully acquainted with waste management systems, what actually is the difference between a septic tank and a STP?

Septic Tanks

A septic tank is the most common and well-known of potential waste disposal systems. Sewage from the holiday home enters the tank, which is usually buried underground or situated away from the property, with solid matter staying within the tank and liquids flowing out for disposal.

Strutt and Parker reports that a 2010 study by Natural England found around 80% of septic tanks weren’t working satisfactorily, with the outflow pipe from many older systems flowing straight into a field drain and eventually to an open watercourse or, in some cases, directly into streams and rivers themselves.

If your septic tank is currently leading to any of these watercourses, then you’ll need to take remedial action before the end of this year to prevent any potential fines or further pollution and damage to your local area.

Private Sewage Treatment Plants

A private sewage treatment plant operates much like a mini sewage works. Pumping and aeration equipment within the plant enhances the breakdown of waste, meaning that any effluent discharged is much cleaner when compared to a traditional sewage septic tank, and can therefore be discharged into rivers and streams (subject to an Environment Agency permit where appropriate).

Practical Steps for you to take

The following useful information has been taken from Strutt and Parker’s recent guide on septic tanks and sewage treatment plants. You can find a link to their full information at the bottom of this blog post.

Septic Tank Owners

The first thing to say is that every property needs somewhere to place its waste, but if your holiday home is served by a private septic tank or a private sewage treatment plant (STP), you’ll need to ensure that this is compliant with The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2016 which have come in to place.

Check that your septic tank is:

  1. Discharging to the ground only
  2. Discharging domestic sewage only
  3. Not discharging more than 2m cubed per day
  4. Regularly de-sludged by a registered waste handler

Also check that your septic tank:

  1. Has sound, properly fitting lids and covers
  2. If installed prior to 1st January 2015, is more than 50m from any well or borehole and is outside a Special Protection Zone
  3. If installed after 1st January 2015, is also outside any designated sensitive area (DSA)
  4. Shows no evidence of overflowing or pollution (If there is effluent visible in the vicinity of your tank, your tank needs to be emptied, or your ground discharge is not working properly – or both. Surface run-off of effluent is likely to end up in a watercourse which is illegal.)

If your septic tank is ticking all of these boxes then no further action should be required. However, if you fail to meet any of these requirements then you’ll need to employ a competent professional to remedy any issues before 1st January 2020 passes.

Owners of a sewage treatment plant

Check that:

  1. Working parts are suitably serviced –advisable to have a management contract with a specialist
  2. The plant is regularly de-sludged by a registered waste handler
  3. There is no evidence of overflowing or pollution

In addition check that it’s:

  1. Outside of a designated sensitive area (DSA)
  2. Handling domestic (i.e. not commercial) sewage only
  3. Not discharging more than 5m cubed per day
  4. Installed in accordance with the planning and building regulations in place at the time (pre-1983 installations are deemed to comply automatically with this)
  5. Installation date was pre-1st January 2015.

If your STP is meeting the requirements then you shouldn’t need to take remedial action. In the event that it isn’t, it’s recommended that you seek professional advice to quickly remedy any issues.

For more information on this topic you can download your own copy of Strutt and Parker’s guidance below:

Additional information is available on the Government’s website below:

When holiday letting your second home to paying guests it’s essential to take advice on suitable insurance. Boshers offer specialist holiday home insurance to holiday letting owners across the UK. Need an insurance quote for your holiday home or cottage complex? Please give us a call on 01237 429444.

owning a holiday home

owning a holiday homeFor many, owning a holiday home on the coast is the dream. Albeit at a price, but just how much could that fantasy property cost us?  It will come as no surprise that there is often a hefty premium to be paid. Especially when it comes to proximity to the coast. Further still if that proximity extends to a view of it.

The latest research from Savills indicates that properties found within 100m of the British coast fetch a premium. On average, they’re 10.5% more expensive than those located further inland.

22% of second-home buyers plumped for purchases in the South West in 2016. Cornwall and Poole consistently proving popular locations, there are a number of other UK hotspots located across the British Isles. Is yours in the top 10?

St Andrews – Scotland

The most Northern of the property hotspots to be included in this list is St Andrews. It’s the home to a world famous golf course and the university at which Prince William spent his undergraduate years. Its proximity to the coast contributes to average property prices soaring to £294,000, a staggering 77% higher than the national average.

The Wirral – North West

Whilst not as traditionally well known for tourism, properties on the Wirral coast currently fetch an average of £280,000.  From this location you’ll be able to offer your guests and visitors easy access to local tourism hotspots. These include Anglesey, Snowdonia and the historic city of Chester.

The Welsh Coast

The popularity of a number of locations such as Conwy on the Welsh coast means that there’s more of a premium to be paid than that across the border in England.  Those buying a second home in the coastal areas of Wales can expect to pay a near 20% premium on average prices.

The South West

The West Country represents the most expensive stretch of coastline on the British Isles.  Wanting a pad in Sandbanks? You’ll be needing to fork out an average of £1.3m! Looking for a place in a well-known Cornish of Devonshire coastal hot spot? Expect to pay a premium of just shy of 17%.


The capital is perennially popular with overseas visitors, so if you’d like to give your guests the benefits of one of the busiest cities in the world and the tranquility of water how much might you need in your back pocket?

Flats between Teddington Lock and the Royal Docks average £595,000 when located within 100 metres of the water, a sizeable 19% more than if your property is located just 800 metres down the road.

The South and South East

One of the most expensive locations to buy a second home on this list; Southern cities such as Chichester not only provide your guests access to that crucial coastline, they also see their prices spiked by their proximity to London.  If you’d like the South East to be a home to your coastal cottage, then expect to pay more than £575,000.

The East

Perhaps you picture your dream second home in Suffolk? The average coastal property prices in the popular spots of Aldeburgh and Southwold are currently north of £370,000.

East Midlands

Once an incredibly popular seaside town, Skegness now boasts some of the most competitive prices when it comes to brining the coast to your doorstep.  With coastal averages of around £112,000, this area could be seen as something of a bargain when compared with other like-for-like areas.


When you consider that this is one of the most popular areas of the UK for domestic travel, the average coastal prices of £203,000 won’t put too many would-be buyers off of making Yorkshire a second home.  If you’re wanting a slice of popular towns such as Whitby or Scarborough, you can however expect to pay more than a 20% coastal premium.

North East

Last but certainly not least, the North East has lower average property prices than other areas of the UK. However interestingly it has the highest premium for living on the coast. With those near the sea paying 25% more than the those further inland.

So after all of that, where will you be making your second home? You may be interested in our previous posts on buying and letting a holiday cottage:

Boshers offer specialist holiday home insurance to owners across the UK. Require a quote for your holiday apartment, cottage or complex? Please give us a call on 01237 429444.

Family friendly holiday letting

Family friendly holiday lettingWhether your family friendly holiday letting property will be welcoming babies, toddlers, or older children this year, one thing every family will appreciate is the cottage owner that goes that extra mile to make their stay a home away from home.

Achieving this in reality will be a process of finding a balance between fun and practical; you’ll need to think of things that might not make it into that packed car. Make life easier for them on arrival, whilst also providing them with some entertainment facilities in order to keep minds and bodies active.

Here are a few easy wins for your guests, and your property when it comes to welcoming young families…

Keep the wet shoes, umbrella and swimwear elsewhere

Kids love to run around and get mucky, and if you don’t provide an area for muddy or wet shoes you’ll probably find yourself scrubbing the carpet stains next week! The same goes for water stains from swimming costumes that have been draped over wooden chairs, or a nice puddle from a wet umbrella.

When it comes to the great British summer having an area for all of these items is essential, so if your holiday home already has one ensure that your guests know to use it, and where to hang those soggy swimming costumes.  If you haven’t got an area like this, where could you create one in order to make it convenient for your guests, and less wearing on your cottage?

Make it safe and sturdy

When it comes to furnishing your holiday home ensure that all items are sturdy, robust and safe. If you’re welcoming children then glass, whether in a coffee table or a balustrade mightn’t be a good mix, so always think about your target market before adding items such as these.

Aside from furniture, you should be thinking about other things in the cottage that could pose a threat. Uncovered sockets, wires, and even cleaning products should all be looked at and put out of reach where possible.  Vases and similar items should also be moved accordingly.

Garden security, and safety

Have large outdoor spaces for children to play in? Your holiday home might well be a big hit with young families! The only thing you’ll need to be mindful of is access and security; does your garden back onto a road? Is it enclosed or is it going to be easy for children to wonder off? Having child proof locks on gates and exits from the garden are a must to create a secure and safe environment. If you haven’t already, consider installing these.

You may also have outdoor play equipment for your younger guests; these create a little something extra for those staying in the cottage. Make sure you’re familiar with what you’ll need to be considering when installing and maintaining this equipment by visiting our post here:

Entertain them

Whilst us brits are eternal optimists when it comes to the weather, sometimes the realist in us has to take over. Accept that on occasion, we are going to have to tolerate the odd rainy day. On such a day, your visiting family may choose to stay indoors and that is when entertainment becomes vital. Board games, books, and maybe some DVDs can turn a dull day into one filled with family fun. You can read more suggestions of rainy day entertainment here:

Practical items

Taking young children on holiday can be stressful; there’ll be plenty to remember for the family headed to your cottage. Sometimes things will be forgotten, or simply not fit in the car.  Make their trip a little less chaotic by providing high chairs, cots, or a smaller toilet seat for little ones?

This extra care will really be appreciated by the adults, and they’ll remember it long after their stay! This could easily result in recommendations to their friends or a return visit, which is great for your bookings.

Boshers offer specialist holiday home insurance to owners across the UK. Require a quote for your holiday apartment, cottage or complex? Please give us a call on 01237 429444.

business rates

business ratesBusiness rates for self-catering accommodation are unfortunately on the rise. If you have more than 13 beds you could be facing the biggest increase. The new rates will come into effect on 1st April 2017. The business rates revaluation have been highlighted in a recent report commissioned by The South West Tourism Alliance. This informative report highlights those with a rateable value above £12,000 may be hit with bills of between 43% and 71% higher than in 2010.

This news is disappointment to those working within the self-catering accommodation industry. It comes at a time when the Government has acknowledged that rural and coastal businesses are under pressure and in need of greater support.

We take a look at what the business rates rises means for holiday homeowners.

Who is set to be hit the hardest by the rise in business rates?

The government has hit those with the largest turnover hardest, leaving larger complexes facing the biggest increases; a self-catering business with 10 cottages that sleep six people may see a 71% increase on the business rate costs.

These new rates neglect to take into consideration the running costs of these complexes, including greater staffing levels, maintenance expenses and of course, the fact the majority will already be over the compulsory VAT registration limit.

Tables provided by The South West Tourism Alliance indicate that more than 36,000 local accommodation providers will be effected, with the bulk of those offering 1 to 4 bed spaces, and potentially paying in excess of 30% more than they were in 2010.

The effect of business rates rises

By this point owners will have set their prices for 2017 and in some cases for 2018 too. As a result, there is likely to be little room to manoeuvre when it comes to passing these costs on.

Once the full impact of the rate increases has been felt, and taking into consideration the current rate of inflation, it’s almost inevitability that prices will need to rise. This is particularly disappointing at a time when the weak pound against the Euro has made the staycation an increasingly attractive economic option for domestic travel.

The new report also highlights the large impact that the rates will have on many communities. The South West in particular has many which are reliant on seasonal tourism. Any potential drop-off in occupancy as a result of higher costs will also hit associated trades and services.

There can be no better time for us to all come together in order to collectively promote cottage holidays. We have a great product, let’s make sure everyone knows about it.

You can read the full report here: SWTA – The Impact of Business Rates rises in the Self-catering Sector

Boshers offer specialist holiday home insurance to owners across the UK. Require a quote for your holiday apartment, cottage or complex? Please give us a call on 01237 429444.

Coponis Holiday Home Welcome Pack App

Do you own a smart phone?  If you do you’re now officially in the majority rather than the minority as latest statistics show that 7 out of 10 UK adults now own a smart phone of some sort.

With these phones has come a new way of accessing information, a way of seamlessly integrating a phone into our daily lives, a method of adding value and making things just that little easier.

We are now in the era of the App.

If in doubt the fact a staggering 102 billion were downloaded last year alone shows you use them and so do your guests.

Coponis – embracing technology in holiday home welcome packs

So as a holiday homeowner how do you harness this technology and utilise it to the benefit of you and those visiting your holiday home?

An App called Coponis perhaps has the answer.

Picture a scenario where your latest guest has every bit of information at their fingertips before they leave their front door.

From directions on how to get there and where to park when they arrive to places to go, the latest weather forecast and even how to work the oven!

Coponis is an App that takes the traditional ‘Welcome Information Pack’ provided to guests and puts that information and much more in the guest’s hands prior to even arriving.

As well as linking up with Google, the world’s largest search engine to provide visitors with information on all the local spots the App is also able to store a wealth of information on your holiday letting property; it really is a one stop shop for your guest.

As holiday home insurance specialists we take pride in providing information of interest to furnished holiday letting owners. Take a look at the video and see how Coponis may help you and your holiday home business.


holiday home trampoline safety

holiday home trampoline safetyTrampolines and holiday homes, a fun combination or an accident waiting to happen? A fact many people won’t be aware of is that the lightest person on a trampoline is five times more likely to be injured. This happens through a phenomenon called “kipping”. This is where jumping at the same time causes the transfer of kinetic energy to the lightest person causing them to gain greater propulsive force and height. There’s an easy answer to prevent this, have a one at a time rule for your trampoline.

Whilst bumps and bruises are commonplace with the use of trampolines more serious fractures, neck and head injuries are not uncommon either. There are more than 10,000 trampoline related injures each year in the UK.

Many trampolines will be springing up across holiday home gardens in the next month or two. It’s vitally important for holiday home owners to effectively manage the risks. Whilst also allowing their visitors to enjoy the fun a trampoline can bring.

Providing your guests with clear guidance

Communicating with your guests on the safety surrounding your property and trampoline should be a vital element. Proactively managing the potential risks to your visitors demonstrates good practice.

Here are just a few points to be considering if you have a trampoline in your holiday home garden:

One at a time

  • On average 2.7 children are on a trampoline when an accident happens.  Allowing only one child at a time greatly reduces the potential for injuries.

The right trampoline for the right age 

  • Larger trampolines aren’t suitable for younger children and toddlers.  Always make sure you’ve consulted with the manufacturers guidance on the recommended age of use and ensure you’re visitors are aware.

Always supervise 

  • Whilst supervision doesn’t guarantee injury free play on a trampoline an adult should always be present and may be able to pick up on potential incidents before they occur.

Sensible dismount

  • One hospital has reported a third of the injuries they see are as a result of bouncing off the trampoline when dismounting.  Remember that although your trampoline should be placed on a soft surface such as wood chip or grass these can still be relatively unforgiving if dropping from a considerable height.


  • It can sometimes be tempting to push the boundaries and try new moves on a trampoline.  There have been incidents of serious neck and head injuries coming from children attempting somersaults on trampolines. It’s important to also let your visitors know that these moves shouldn’t be performed.

Stand back 

  • It it’s a child’s turn next on the trampoline make sure they’re kept a safe distance back from the trampoline whilst others are bouncing.

A trampoline can be a great asset for your holiday home. Being aware of the potential risks and having a proactive communication plan for your guests is important. This will increase the chances of injury free fun during those long summer evenings.

ROSPA Trampoline Guidance

For more information and guidance on trampoline safety please visit:

For further information and a quotation for your holiday home insurance call our specialist team on 01237 429444.

This article on trampolines and holiday homes has been created as generic guidance. It does not constitute legal or insurance advice. Do you have any questions relating to health and safety management and the provision of a trampoline for use by holiday letting guests? Discuss them with your broker or insurer and read the ROSPA guidance. 

Access Statements

Access Statements

The marketing benefits of having an access statement for your holiday home, letting apartment or holiday cottage complex

A recent House of Lords committee found the country is “woefully under-prepared” for the social and economic challenges presented by an ageing society.

Britain is indeed ageing; by 2030 it’s predicted the City of London will have seen an 83% increase in the population over the age of 65 and for similar rises to have been replicated across the country.

Statistics from VisitEngland also suggest that as many as 1 in 5 people residing in the United Kingdom have some form of disability.

What does this mean to you as a holiday home owner?

A sharper focus has fallen on being able to meet the broadening needs of visitors and for those guests with specific requirements to be able to find the accommodation that best fits their needs.

One of the ways this can be addressed is through the use of an access statement.

These are documents that outline pertinent facts about your property and its facilities in a concise format.  They can cover a multitude of different types of information, from the number of steps in the property to wheelchair access or the width of hall and doorways.

Their aim is to primarily answer whether or not your property is suitable for the needs of individual visitor.

How can having an access statement help the marketing of your holiday home?

1.  Managing visitor expectations by the provision of information

Information is key.  An access statement can give your potential visitors a full understanding of whether or not your property is suitable for their needs.

By providing this information in a single document before arrival they can also play an important role in managing visitor expectations; they know exactly what it is they’re getting before they arrive.

2.  Increase chances of booking and free up time on the phone

If you’re able to communicate that you’re exactly what they want and need it can increase your chances of converting enquiries into bookings, whilst also freeing up time which may have otherwise been spent fielding questions on your facilities.

3.  Stand out from your competitors

Many of your visitors will now be using the internet to directly compare their options.

If your holiday home or cottage is being used as a direct comparison with another competitor you’ll want to ensure that potential visitor knows all you have to offer; your access statement can answer their questions.

Do you need an access statement?

Whilst you’re not obliged to have an access statement to trade as a holiday let it is the minimum requirement for VisitEngland accommodation and visitor attraction quality scheme members.

In a market in which the needs of visitors is continually expanding, developing and evolving the provision of information is becoming increasingly important.

If you have everything your visitor needs you can utilise your access statement as a real marketing tool to go out there and tell them.

More information on how you can put together your access statement is available from VisitEngland

How being proactive can limit damage to your holiday home during extreme weather

How being proactive can limit damage to your holiday home during extreme weather

Very few areas of the country have been able to avoid the battering the UK has faced from the recent winter weather. With more high winds and heavy rain predicted in the coming weeks we’re encouraging holiday home owners to stay vigilant and proactive in regularly checking their properties in order to minimise potential damage.

Here are just a few things you should be considering:

When did you last inspect your property?

Damage can emerge and develop quickly so it’s vital your property is regularly checked. If you’re unable to check yourself ask a friend or neighbour to keep an eye out or better still employ a property management company who’ll have years of experience in dealing with potential issues.

Are trees and branches safe?

Have nearby trees suffered from wind damage or become unstable as a result of flooding? Do they pose a risk of falling on property or nearby cars and roads?

Being proactive in managing the risks posed by falling trees can save costly potential expenses and disruption.

Are your slates slipping or tiles dislodged?

One of the most common issues during high winds is slipping slates or tiles. A slate falling from a roof, no matter what the weather, can do a lot of damage to surrounding property or visiting guests so it’s important to get any issues addressed by a professional as quickly as possible.

Make sure rain water has somewhere to go

Check your guttering, downpipes and drains for damage and debris, ensure they are clear. It’s important these checks are undertaken on a regular basis to prevent water ingress and subsequent property damage from overspilling guttering or blocked drains. Don’t leave it until it’s too late.

Clear up debris

If debris has been blown into your property or the surrounding area ensure it is collected and removed as quickly as possible. Depending on size and nature, it can not only cause damage to property but also increase the risk of slips, trips and falls for your guests.

Fallen power lines and cables

There have been recent occasions on which power lines and cables have fallen or been dislodged. These can be incredibly dangerous so please do stay clear and report to your energy supplier as soon as possible.

Have you reported damage to your insurer?

Remember that if you have suffered damage to your holiday home you should inform your insurer as soon as you become aware in order that they may deal with your claim.

Stay safe

Above all, make sure you stay safe. Don’t put yourself in danger in order to check your property. It can be a difficult time if your holiday home has suffered storm damage but take all measures possible to ensure your property is safe for you to enter before doing so.