
Boshers support #2MinuteBeachClean – how about getting involved?

Last Updated on July 5, 2016 by admin

#2minutebeachcleanAs specialists in holiday home insurance we understand the importance of creating a sustainable tourist sector we can all enjoy. The UK has so many beautiful beaches, and we want to help keep them that way. That’s why Boshers is supporting the #2minutebeachclean initiative.

Created by the not for profit organisation The Beach Clean Network, #2minutebeachclean encourages people to take two minutes out of their day and pick up some rubbish that is on the beach.

History of #2minutebeachclean

The initiative was started on social media following the 2013/14 winter storms which left UK beaches covered in litter. These bits of rubbish harm wildlife, and make our beaches look horrible and unappealing to tourists. By having litter covered beaches we’re not only harming the birds, animals, and sea life, we’re also harming our local tourism economy.

Helping the local wildlife

Two minutes in 24 hours isn’t much, but it can really help your local beach. Each piece of plastic you remove is no longer a danger to the wildlife, each net you pick up is no longer going to entangle birds and other creatures, each carrier bag you put in the bin is going to be one less bag that is eaten by a turtle or bird. It literally saves lives.

Helping the local economy

If your holiday let is pristine and perfect that is wonderful, but if your guests take a stroll to the nearest beach and discover piles of washed up rubbish then they are less likely to come back or recommend the area (and your cottage!). Each guest brings money to the local economy and keeps beautiful UK coastal towns going; dirty beaches can send that money and tourism elsewhere!

Get out there

We want to encourage all of our coastal holiday homeowners to take part in the #2minutebeachclean and help their local area. Get your friends and family to come along too; 4 people spending 2 minutes each can make such a difference!

Make sure that you get involved on social media too and let everyone know that you’re doing your bit by using the hashtag #2minutebeachclean. Here at Boshers we do just that via twitter although instagram and facebook are popular too.

This short video by Beach Clean Network founder Martin Dorey is a great introduction:

Top tips

Rubbish isn’t the cleanest and most hygienic of things, and you’ll sometimes come across items you’re not sure what to do with. We’ve created a short list of top tips for your 2 minute beach clean:

  • Be aware of tide times – don’t put yourself at risk!
  • Wear protective gloves or use a litter picker
  • Make sure that children are supervised at all times. Animal waste and sharp objects can be very dangerous
  • Recycle what you can
  • Don’t pick up needles or sharp objects
  • If you come across a dead seabird or marine mammal contact The Marine Strandings Network on 0345 2012626
  • If you find a marine mammal (such as a dolphin or seal) report it straight away. Call The British Divers Marine Life Rescue on 01825 765546. If the animal is still alive do not try putting it back into the sea yourself.

#2minutebeachcleanFor more information on the initiative, visit the #2minutebeachclean website here.

Boshers offer specialist holiday home insurance to owners across the UK. For more information on how a specialist insurer can help and support your holiday home business, please give us a call on 01237 429444.

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